Ziwa Rhino Sanctuary
Ziwa Rhino Sanctuary is located in Nakitoma Village in Nakasongola District along Kampala – Gulu highway with over 180km from Kampala the capital of Uganda which it takes about 3 hours drive. Ziwa Rhino Sanctuary sites on an area of about 7,000ha (70 sq. km) proudly harbor Uganda’s wild endangered rhinos.
There are currently 22 white Rhinos in the Ziwa Rhino Sanctuary, which you will enjoy while on your Rhino tracking in Uganda. Ziwa Rhino Sanctuary is the only place in Uganda where rhinos can be found in their natural environment.
It was 2005 when the Ziwa Rhino Sanctuary was established and rhinos were re-introduced by the Rhino Fund Uganda together with the Uganda Wildlife Authority (UWA) to address the plight of the rhinos and ensure their safety, with a goal of eventually releasing them back into the wild.

There are over 70 park rangers whose job is to ensure the general well-being and safety of the rhinos and assist tourists in spotting the rhinos during tracking. The sights and sounds of the sanctuary making a home of mammals, birds, and reptiles are enriching.
Ziwa Rhino Sanctuary has over 78 amazing trained and skilled park rangers’ guides who work hand in hand with the Uganda Wildlife Authority. Ziwa Rhino Sanctuary started with 6 rhinos but currently, the number has increased to over 19 animals and is the home to a number of bird species, reptiles, and 40 mammal species including antelopes, crocodiles, hippos, monkeys among others.
Ziwa Rhino Trekking
This is an awesomely unique activity as you enter the territory of the southern white rhinos on foot with an informative guide, you through the bush to where the rhinos are on the day of your visit, it is really great and exciting as you watch the white rhinoceros in their natural habitat, You will get the opportunity to watch these endangered, magnificent creatures in their natural state at close and at a safer distance of about 6 to 7m.
As these rhinos are free to move around on 7 000 hectares of land, it is often necessary to drive to the areas where the rhinos are, before taking the bush trek. This drive is done in your own vehicle; however, you can hire one of Rhino Fund Uganda’s vehicles and a driver at reception for the costs. While at the sanctuary you may also encounter a range of other wildlife species including Uganda Kobs, Oribis, bushbucks, waterbucks among others and a number of other bird species.
Bird watching in Ziwa Rhino
The sanctuary is home to over 350 bird species, the Ziwa rhino sanctuary is one of the most perfect destinations in Uganda for a birding safari where you can have a full or half day time of birding on a guided nature walk. You will be guided by experienced bird guides.
Bird species that can be spotted include; the Blue-spotted dove, the Shoebill stork, Abdim’s stork, and African black crake to mention a few. The bird guides are excellent and this is an activity that cannot be missed by bird lovers! You will probably get to see some of the other game on the sanctuary while doing your bird walk. Spend a night or two on the sanctuary and enjoy the array of feathered friends we have.
Nature Walks
Nature walks can take a half day or full day as you hike through the sanctuary where you will spot animals like the Oribis, reedbucks, gray duikers, bushbucks, hartebeests, monkeys, butterflies and monitor lizards. The guided night walk will introduce to you night sounds and sensations you did not know existed, this is an experience you cannot exclude from your activities on the sanctuary. There are many nocturnal animals and who knows what you might bump into the Sanctuary
Canoe Ride
One of the most sought after birds to be seen in Uganda is the shoebill stork. This is one of the only places that you are almost always guaranteed to see the storks. The best sighting has been 11 in one trip! Within our swamps, these prehistoric-looking birds are nesting. The shoebill trek and canoe ride through the swamp not only gives you the opportunity to find the shoebill but also to see the beautiful Ugandan sunrise over Lugogo Swamp. Waterbirds are plentiful and this activity is a must for anyone who loves nature or is interested in birding.
How to get to Ziwa Rhino Sanctuary
Ziwa Rhino sanctuary stands as the only home of Rhinos in Uganda and thus the only destination where they can be explored on foot. Ziwa Rhino Sanctuary is located in Nakitoma Village in Nakasongola District along Kampala – Gulu highway which is also the main road to the Uganda Safari destination of Murchison Falls National Park. The distance to Ziwa Rhino sanctuary takes over 180km from Kampala the capital of Uganda which it takes about 3 hours drive. The branch to Ziwa is at Nakitoma from which you follow the signpost to the sanctuary.